The fact of the matter is, life is busy. We are constantly plate spinning, trying to manage work, home life, sorting kids, grocery shopping, cooking, eternally cleaning… the list goes on.
It’s all well and good these 20 something PT’s on social media throwing around hardcore workout goals, but the reality is we are time-poor and knackered!
So these days I do all my exercise from home (apart from walking the dog). I have a set of dumbbells and a workout mat and aim to do 3 x 20-30 minute workouts a week. And sometimes I don’t even achieve that!
But the one thing I do try to do is get my steps in. I don’t even have a high goal, just 5,000 a day, but it’s just something to keep my eye on the ball.
What I’ve found is that it’s easy to add in a few steps here and there, and they all add up. However, I wanted to share a couple of YouTube channels that do walking workouts! Who knew this was even a thing?! Getting your steps in FROM YOUR LOUNGE?! Love it.
Here are the 3 I know about – they have a whole load of different walking workouts, you can choose by number of steps, distance, time, low impact etc. I’m pretty sure if you search for walking workouts on YouTube you’ll find loads more too.
Have a look and let me know what you think!
Donna x